Safeguarding at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Safeguarding Policy 2024 - 2025

E-Safety Policy 2024-25

Designated Staff

Designated Safeguarding Leads


Mr D Arthur 
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr C knight, Mrs R Birchall (maternity leave) and Mrs E Robinson

Designated Safeguarding Governor Mr S Brochwicz-Lewinski

Safeguarding Training

Advanced Safeguarding Training Teaching Staff, Support Staff and Midday Staff and Governors September 2022
Advanced DSL Training

Mr D Arthur

Mrs C Ardern

Mrs R Birchall

Mrs E Robinson

November 2023

May 2023

January 2023

October 2022

Safer Recruitment Training

Mr D Arthur

Mrs R Birchall

Mrs R Davies

Prof. T Ritchings

Mr S Brochwicz-Lewinski

Father Stephen Woolley

Mrs A Chinoy

Ms G Price 

Mrs C Ardern

Mrs L Cronin

Mr Hopkins

April 2021

October 2023

October 2022

October 2022

June 2021

March 2020

June 2021

June 2021

March 2023

March 2021

October 2022


FGM Training

Staff and Governors

Staff and Governors

September 2022

Safeguarding 2022

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School is an Operation Encompass school

We adhere to all statutory guidance listed below:  

Keeping Children Safe In Education

Working Together to Safeguard Children

What To Do If You're Worried A Child Is Being Abused

Information Sharing for Practitioners

The Prevent Duty


Trafford Children's First Response

Children's First Response is Trafford’s single point of contact for all professionals and members of the public to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and/or family. If the child is at immediate risk of harm call the Police on 999. If you are a member of the public who has a concern about a child, and they are not at immediate risk of harm, you should call Trafford Children's First Response on

0161 912 5125 during office hours (Mon - Fri 8:30 - 4:30)

or 0161 912 2020 out of hours (Emergency Duty Team).

Trafford First Response Link



All our staff have ID badges and all visitors are required to sign in at the main school office using our INVENTORY security system and are given a “Visitors Badge” to wear. Blue ID badges indicate enhanced DBS and photo ID provided. Visitors with a red lanyard must be supervised whilst in the building. Governors wear green lanyards. Signs at the entrance to the school are clearly displayed and visitors can only gain access to the school via the intercom system.


Safeguarding Curriculum 

Pupil safeguarding and the promotion of fundamental British Values are a core aspect aspect of our work. Great importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding. Our broad curriculum is enriched with opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour and welfare and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding. Through our personal development provision, our PSHE and RSE curriculum covers all areas of safeguarding. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects are taught at an age appropriate level, or at a small group level or 1:1 level where a need arises. We challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their physical health and mental wellbeing. We give children opportunities across the curriculum to explore values, personal rights, responsibilities and equal opportunities in order that they develop moral concepts that impact positively on safeguarding, promote British Values and prevent radicalisation and extremism.  

Click here to meet our Talk Team ready to listen  

Here are some examples of the work we do to ensure children remain safe:

  • Online safety lessons and pupil digital leaders in school

  • Safe use of technology including password security and privacy settings

  • “Stranger Danger”, being safe in the outdoors, what to do if?

  • Robust anti-bullying policy and procedures and anti-bullying ambassadors

  • Reminders about behaviour rewards and behaviour we want to see inside and outside of school

  • Health and Safety policies and procedures including risk assessments

  • Relationship and Sex Education Policy

  • NSPCC Pants lessons each year

  • Breaking Barriers Child Criminal Exploitation Workshop for Y6

  • Crucial Crew for Y6

  • Positive mental health and well-being is promoted through TA4s

  • Bikeability and road safety

  • Fire awareness visits from the local fire service and fire drills

  • Visits to school from medical staff/ outside agencies

  • Work with local health services re immunisations and health emergencies

  • Computing, PSHE, DT, Science and PE policies and schemes of work which include safety guidelines and risk assessments

  • PHSE Policy and themes which include strategies for developing self-esteem and confidence

  • Regular learning walks seeking children’s views on safety and ensuring they understand safety rules

  • School Council is proactive in listening to other children’s views and acting upon their ideas

  • Clear safety procedures built into the start and end of each day

  • Talks from dental hygienists, nurses, police, road safety officers, fire fighters which extend the children’s knowledge of staying safe and healthy

  • Safegaurding induction procedures for new staff and volunteer helpers. 

  • Our RE curriculum includes units which celebrate diversity, caring for others, making healthy choices.

  • Two hours of PE each week, swimming and water safety lessons and a range of sports clubs for children to join.