Our Mission Statement

"Praying Together, Learning for Life, Caring for All."


We revisit our Mission Statement in every assembly and it is reinforced through our behaviour policy. We expect all staff & pupils to follow our mission in all that they do. This creates a shared approach, where everyone impacts upon the Catholic ethos of our school.


We recite our mission statement through a call & response approach:


1. We are all servant leaders so we do the right thing, not the easy thing.


2. We are all learners so we are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them.


3. We value each other so we are open minded and assume all come from an honourable intention.


4. We have high expectation and we show our passion for learning by working hard.


5. We are adaptable because we know that things happen.


6. We are joyful, open and know how to ask for help.